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Private network API objects

The following objects are parameters for or returned by Besu private network API methods.


This reference contains API objects that apply to only private networks. For API objects that apply to both private and public networks, see the public network API objects reference.

Private transaction object

Returned by priv_getPrivateTransaction.

fromData, 20 bytesAddress of the sender.
gasQuantityGas provided by the sender.
gasPriceQuantityGas price, in Wei, provided by the sender.
inputDataThe data to create or invoke a contract.
nonceQuantityNumber of transactions made by the sender to the privacy group before this one.
toData, 20 bytesnull if a contract creation transaction, otherwise, the contract address.
valueQuantitynull because private transactions cannot transfer Ether.
vQuantityECDSA Recovery ID.
rData, 32 bytesECDSA signature r.
sData, 32 bytesECDSA signature s.
privateFromData, 32 bytesTessera public key of the sender.
privateForArray of Data, 32 bytes eachTessera public keys of recipients. Not returned if using privacyGroupId to send the transaction.
privacyGroupIdData, 32 bytesTessera privacy group ID of recipients. Not returned if using privateFor to send the transaction.
restrictionStringMust be restricted.

Private transaction receipt object

Returned by priv_getTransactionReceipt.

blockHashData, 32 bytesHash of block containing this transaction.
blockNumberQuantityBlock number of block containing this transaction.
contractAddressData, 20 bytesContract address created if a contract creation transaction, otherwise, null. A failed contract creation transaction still produces a contract address value.
fromData, 20 bytesAddress of the sender.
logsArrayArray of log objects generated by this private transaction.
toData, 20 bytesAddress of the receiver, if sending ether, otherwise, null.
transactionIndexQuantity, IntegerIndex position of transaction in the block.
revertReasonStringABI-encoded string that displays the reason for reverting the transaction. Only available if revert reason is enabled.
outputDataRLP-encoded return value of a contract call if a value returns, otherwise, null.
commitmentHashData, 32 bytesHash of the privacy marker transaction.
statusQuantityEither 0x1 (success) or 0x0 (failure).
privateFromData, 32 bytesTessera public key of the sender.
privateFor or privacyGroupIdArray or Data, 32 bytesTessera public keys or privacy group ID of the recipients.
logsBloomData, 256 bytesBloom filter for light clients to quickly retrieve related logs.